Walkley House and Stannington Medical Centres
Welcome to Walkley House & Stannington Medical Centre
The online platform is available to use Monday to Friday
Our online service is only available to patients registered with Walkley House & Stannington Medical Centre.
Our clinic opening hours are 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
If you feel you have a clinically urgent enquiry in the times not covered by the platform and it cannot wait until the following working day, please contact reception or 111
We aim to review all clinical enquiries on the same working day, however we may not contact you the same day. Clinically urgent enquiries will be prioritised, but we may ask you to contact 111, or attend A&E if necessary
Important! If your enquiry is urgent and outside working hours please contact 111. If severe, please consider attending A&E or call 999
New Patients
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Test Results
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At Walkley House & Stannington Medical Centre patient’s needs are at the heart of everything we do.
Our staff take pride in offering the highest standard of patient-centred care.
In addition to everything you need to know about the practice, you will also find a wealth of health-related information on the website.
Opening Times
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Access your Medical Records
You can view your medical records using the NHS App or our system online service.
To use system online you will need to have a user name and password from the surgery. Please click here to access your Medical Records
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